Connect wit sKBL for heritage conservation and transformation
20 June 2023
‘Getting as many people as possible excited about heritage’, this is a passion we share with sKBL and therefore we are from now on proud friends of the foundation.
For various clients we work on the preservation, restoration and transformation of a unique treasure of Dutch heritage. From the National Monument Elevator House, which is now a multi-tenant building where the original design can be admired again, restoration work in Blijdorp Zoo, to the National Monumental Craft School in Maastricht, which is being transformed into the headquarters of DSM.
We look forward to sharing inspiration and knowledge with the sKBL network! Questions about heritage transformation? Do not hesitate to contact our team by phone 010 413 47 80 or email info@broekbakema.nl
Photo: Renovation of the National Monuments of the former giraffe enclosure and the Lotus greenhouse, Blijdorp Zoo.