
Restaurant ‘Poort van Azië’ in Blijdorp wins price!

17 October 2017

Recently, Diergaarde Blijdorp has won a price: the restaurant ‘Poort van Azië’ has been exclaimed as the ‘Best Restaurant of Belgium & the Netherlands’. The restaurant is located in the former (monumental) tearoom ‘de Lotusserre’, designed by the architect Sybold van Ravesteyn.
Together with Siebold Nijenhuis Architect and Kees Rouw [Architectuur & Onderzoek], Broekbakema made the design for renovating and expanding the monument with an added storage space and rinse kitchen. The renovation was aimed towards conserving the existing architecture and the additions are subordinate to the monument. The expansion is recognisable by the shell of bamboo planks, that keep the monument a symmetrical whole.

Read more about the design here

Read more about the award ceremony here