Town hall of Terneuzen a national monument?
13 December 2022
69% of all the respondents believe the town hall should become a national monument, as shown by the 1290 responses to a survey by PZC and the Terneuzen municipality*. Architect-director Aldo Vos explains his thoughts in the video interview below.
The brutalist building designed by Jaap Bakema (1914-1981) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. In honor of this, we organized together with the municipality of Terneuzen the symposium “From Brutalist Building Styles to Timeless Buildings” on November 11th. On this inspiring day, we spoke to professionals in architecture, heritage development, and sustainability, as well as enthusiasts and critics of the town hall about the value and opportunities of the building for the future.
Watch the aftermovie of the symposium and judge for yourself, do you think the town hall should become a national monument?
Want to know more about transforming buildings? Aldo Vos would be happy to help you.
Read more about the symposium here.
*Full survey results can be read at https://www.terneuzen.nl/50jaarstadhuis.