Tours Dutch Green Building Week in the Energy Academy and EnTranCe
7 October 2017
The architects of Broekbakema have given two public tours in two top-notch buildings in Groningen on the 28th of September: the Energy Academy Europe and the Energy Transition Center (EnTranCe). Broekbakema is proud to have contributed to the energy transition which is currently ongoing in The Netherlands. The Energy Academy Europe is the most sustainable education building in The Netherlands with BREEAM Outstanding certificate and shows us what can be done with the natural elements of wind, water, air and sun in order to create an energy-plus building. The EnTranCe on the other hand functions as the energy test lab of The Netherlands, but is itself also one with innovative climate zones and test set-ups. The tours, given by architect-director ir. Aldo Vos and project coordinator ir. Willeke van de Groep, also included lectures on the two buildings. Would you like to join us on free tours as well? Then don’t forget to follow us!